Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Jeanie Rhodes

Newness giddily excites me. . .

The potential of a pencil, sharpened a moment ago
The crispness of a brand new school tablet
The glossy, untouched surface of a just-opened jar of peanut butter
The heady aroma of fresh-ground coffee
The luxurious smell of the interior of a new car
The thrill of the first day of school every year
The creak of a never-before unopened book

My list could go on and on.

As always, the beginning of a new year excites me. Where will I travel? Who will I meet? What will I accomplish? How will I change for the better? What will I learn? In Matthew 19:26 Jesus said ". . . with God, everything is possible.” Isn’t that exciting?

Perhaps most exciting to me is the newness God promises in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!”

We don’t just get a freshly-sharpened pencil to write our life story; we get a whole new life to write about! We don’t merely sit in the seat of a new car; we begin a joy-ride with God in the driver’s seat! We don’t simply smell the aroma of fresh-ground coffee, we get to drink deep of God’s cup of mercy and forgiveness.

With the feet of happy butterflies dancing along my arms and giving me goose bumps, I welcome the coming of 2012 and all that God will bring and accomplish. How about you, my blogger friend? What excites you about the new year?


 ©2011 Pamela D. Williams