“Love” takes top billing each February. During this month, many of us give chocolates, flowers, special dinners, cards, jewelry and various other things in an effort to be intentional in expressing our love for someone special. Each year we rack our brains for the perfect gift that will say, “I love you!”
However, we need not look too far for ideas. God spells out the best ways to express love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a.
When I held up God’s love meter to my love for others, I found myself falling short. God and I have been having some serious discussions about this all month long. In Part 2 I will share some more of what God is teaching me.
How about you? How does your practice of love compare to this passage?
Stay tuned for Love~Part 2! Coming Soon!
Pam©2012 Pamela D. Williams