Wednesday, June 20, 2012

VBS: No matter what, TRUST GOD!

Silence has reigned at 2 Encourage this week, but for a very good reason—Vacation Bible School! Based on Mark 10:27, “Everything is possible with God,” Group’s SKY VBS, encourages everyone to trust God—no matter what.

Over 125 different kids attended—not counting all the adults and the seven to nine toddlers and babies in the nursery. I haven’t changed that many diapers in 30 years—thank God! (LOL!)

Much of the credit goes to our Children’s Minister, Angie, who coordinated this whole project. She spent countless hours making phone calls, running for supplies, readying crafts, inputting data on the computer, running copies, and soothing jittery leaders and quieting over-stimulated kids. Angie livedthe theme of this VBS, setting a shining example of trusting God in the big and small things.

Many times, instead of trusting God, we lament over our hurts, pity ourselves for our losses, and grumble about challenges. Have we forgotten Romans 8:28? “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Let’s look at a biblical example. The later portion of Genesis relates events from the life of Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. If anyone had reason to be angry and vindictive, depressed and forlorn, it is Joseph!

We read of a series of terrible trials that Joseph endured—sold as a slave by his own brothers, falsely accused and imprisoned by one he had served loyally, forgotten by someone he had done a favor for! Yet, after all these devastating events, he graciously says, "You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good." (Genesis 50:20).

How did Joseph keep a positive attitude? Looking back over his life we note that he chose to continue to love God and live for him, even in the midst of seeming abandonment and disaster, and despite temptation and corruption around him. He trusted completely in God, and allowed that trust to impact his day to day living.

Do we, like Joseph, trust that God can and will bring good out of those things that bruise and grieve and appear unfair? Are we living a life that says, “With God, all things are possible”?

©2012 Pamela D. Williams