Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Who is He?

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“Who do you say I am?”

Jesus asked his disciples this question in Mark 8:29; He also asks it of us, His modern-day disciples. What is our response?

God’s Word declares, “Jesus is Lord!” According to 1 Corinthians 12:3, only those guided by the Holy Spirit can say “Jesus is Lord!”

I am so thankful that when we place our trust in Jesus’ sacrifice for our forgiveness, we receive the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13), who then assures and empowers us to wholeheartedly answer Jesus' question with, “You are Lord!”

The truth is that Jesus is Lord, not because of what He has done, or what we believe, but because He is God and God is LORD. There are no elections, ceremonies, or achievements that made Him Lord. He just is!

We have all sung the little chorus, “He is Lord”, but what does saying or singing that phrase really signify?

Colossians 2:6-7 offers an explanation: “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”

Within these verses we find five indicators of someone whose life proclaims, “Jesus as Lord”:

  • Following Him
  • Letting our roots grow deep in Him
  • Letting our lives be built on Him
  • Growing faith
  • Overflowing thankfulness 

Terry Broome, minister at Broad Street Church of Christ, Scottsboro, Alabama, recently wrote, “We’re acknowledging much about Christ when we declare that He is “the Lord.” We’re indicating that He has authority or power. . . He is the one to whom many of us voluntarily surrender ourselves, and thus some refer to Jesus as “the Lord of my life.” He must occupy this position for any who are in a rightful relationship with Him.”

Many of us say “Jesus is Lord”, but are we living like He is? I have to confess, I’m pretty good at talking the talk but I don’t always walk the walk. One of the five indicators we see in Colossians 2 that I find very challenging is to live a life of “overflowing thankfulness”. Although my life brims over with blessings, my thanks is often stingy. I need to work on expressing my gratitude generously, for Jesus deserves thanks and praise that overflows.

Who do you say Jesus is? If you say, “Jesus is Lord”, in what areas do you struggle to live out your claim?



©2014 Pamela D. Williams