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However, a
problem recurs with windows over a sink—they get spotted easily. Water
droplets, soap bubbles, food particles, and fingerprints all mar the glass and
obscure my view. Every few days I must take a paper towel and a simple solution
of warm water and white vinegar to wipe off the window and clear my view.
Kind of
reminds me of a verse from the book of James:
“Pure and undefiled
religion before God the Father is this:
to visit orphans and
widows in their affliction,
to keep oneself uncorrupted by the world.”
Other versions use the words unpolluted, unstained, undefiled,
and unspotted—unspotted, like my kitchen window needs to be.
It’s easy for me to “un-spot” my window, but how do we keep
our souls unspotted by the world? The Bible offers some good advice:
Be careful who we spend time with. Are our
closest friends fellow believers? Are they trying to live for Jesus?
- “Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God.” (Psalm 1:1)
- “Bad companions ruin good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33)
Be careful what we fill our thoughts with. Are
the books and magazines we read reinforcing God’s values? Do the programs and
movies we watch uphold God’s moral compass? Is the music we listen to uplifting?
- “Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.” (Philippians 4:8)
- “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” (Proverbs 4:23)
Be careful of what takes priority. When was
the last time we meditated on God’s Word? Or sat in silence listening for His
voice? How long has it been since we attended church, Bible study, or a Christian
fellowship group? Have overtime hours, sporting events, housework or
entertainment taken priority?
- “Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you.” (Matthew 6:33)
- “In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” (Proverbs 3:6)
What about when the window of our soul is
already spotted with thoughts, words, and behaviors that are not pleasing to
God? 1 John 1:9 says if we confess those things to God he will forgive them and
cleanse us from them. A simple solution! Once we get our spiritual windows unspotted,
we will discover the peace and joy that living for Jesus offers.
How do you keep yourself unstained by the
Be encouraged!
©2015 Pamela D. Williams