Bill and Peggy Williams Praise Assembly of God Tilton, New Hamshire |
“You can do
this, Mom,” Kodey whispered to his mother. He didn’t understand our daughter, Erin's tears during the hymn at Good Friday’s Tenebrae service. He thought
she was nervous about her upcoming reading part.
In reality,
her tears were tears of deep appreciation for a man named Jack Woods, who led the
singing at one of our churches during Erin’s childhood. In a phone conversation on Easter Saturday, Erin said, “Mama, as we sang that hymn, in my mind I could
see Jack leading it at Morgan Run. He sang with such enthusiasm and joy.
His love for the Lord was so obvious.
“Jack was
there the Sunday morning I went up to the altar to ask Jesus into my heart.
Certain hymns always remind me of him and of that day. You know what I mean?”
Yes, Erin, I
do. A precious lifeline of people come to mind when I look back over my life
and think about those who shared Jesus with me. . .
Bingamen, our pastor during my own childhood years
The adults
who ministered through the Good News Club that met after school
People on
the street corner in Chambersburg passing out tracts
Kauffman, my husband’s co-worker during our first few years of marriage
Rev. Harry
Sagar, whose quiet, constant faith spoke to all
Rev. Bill
and Peggy Williams, who showed Dick and I that Jesus IS with us
The Gospel group
who ministered the morning Dick and I asked Jesus into our home
This little
list is in no way complete. I thank God for all those who prayed, encouraged,
and taught me on my journey of faith—many of whom I am not even aware. They
took seriously the words of Jesus when He said:
“Go to all peoples
everywhere and make them my disciples:
baptize them in the
name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
and teach them to obey
everything I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Who shared
the Good News with you? Who helped you to see your need for a Savior? Who
helped you realize Jesus is alive?
Pam©2015 Pamela D. Williams