Wednesday, February 17, 2016


The Lands at Hillside Farms
Shavertown, PA
To budget is to allow or provide a particular amount for a specific purpose. Dick and I have found that following a money budget keeps our finances healthy. It helps us to always have a clear picture of what is financially feasible and what is not. The first line item on our budget is our giving to God. Placing it there is a physical reminder of what we strive for in our hearts—to put God first.

I recently read a devotional by Gail Purth entitled, “Time and Time Again” in which Gail talks about a “time budget”. It brought to mind something my husband and I do many mornings. Before Dick heads for the office, while we are slowly getting the wheels of our day turning, one of us will ask, “What’s on the agenda for today?”

We share what our responsibilities, commitments, and hopes are for the day, and then we pray together about these and ongoing desires of our hearts. It helps us keep our priorities straight, assuring that those things that really matter get done, and facilitates our desire to accommodate one another.

Similarly, Dick and his staff meet briefly each morning to go over their plans for the day and to pray together about the new and continuing needs and happenings that require their attention—an “effort budget” of sorts. It brings to the forefront of all of their minds the current primacies for ministry at Trucksville UMC.

In order to thrive spiritually, part of my personal time budget must be an intentional period each morning dedicated to re-connecting with God. If I don’t take that time first thing, my day gets rolling and the opportunity for truly “quiet moments” with Jesus is lost.

Although there are occasional unavoidable glitches that require flexibility, I find budgets really do assist me in prioritizing all that God has given me—whether it is time, money, or effort. Do you use budgets? Do you find them helpful or restricting?

Be encouraged!

©2016 Pamela D. Williams