Wednesday, September 7, 2016

As the Seasons Change

Photo by Pam Williams

Acts 17:26b-27 “God has given us the seasons of the year and the boundaries within which to live. God has done this so that we would look for him, somehow reach for him, and find him. In fact, he is never far from any one of us.”

The days are getting shorter. The seasons are changing. Summer is coming to an end. In less than two weeks it will officially be Autumn. Each season offers its own beauty, revealing the awesome imagination of God.

Why did God bother to make the world so interesting and thought-provoking? Acts 17 offers us the answer: “God has done this so that we would look for him, somehow reach for him, and find him.”

God wants us to seek him and to find him. He makes his presence known in obvious ways as the seasons change so that we have don’t have to look very far in order to see his workmanship and to recognize whose creation we are observing.

For me, Autumn shows many signs of God’s presence:
  • Who, other than God, tells the birds to gather into flocks for a long journey? Who beckons them south, where food is more plentiful and temperatures more moderate?
  • Who, other than God, bids the plants to drop their seeds before the ground freezes so that they can be buried in the soil over the winter, ready to sprout in the spring?
  • Who, other than God, causes the birds and animals to shed their bright, summer coats for warmer, subtler shades that offer protection not only from cold, but from predators?
  • Who, other than God, offers all of creation the time to wind down, to slow production, in preparation for a few months of much-needed dormancy and recovery?
  • Who, other than God, could create such beautiful colors and fragrances and sounds—the myriad of changing leaves, the delicious smell of ripe grapes and crisp apples, the crunch of pine needles and dried leaves underfoot?

 God is here. Let’s not miss the evidence of his presence.

How do you see God in the changes from Summer to Autumn?

Be encouraged!

©2016 Pamela D. Williams