Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Basking in Love

photo by Pam Williams

The Lord will take delight in you,
and in His love He will give you new life.
He will sing and be joyful over you.
Zephaniah 3:17b

As I sat with my tea and Bible, our cat Watson climbed up on my lap. He laid his paws on my arm, and butted his head under my chin. Hugging him close, I rubbed his furry forehead, murmuring my love. He purred his contentment. Snuggling in closer, he maneuvered himself so I could love on him more. It was a mutually delightful time.

As I pondered these precious moments, God whispered a thunderbolt of truth: That’s just a tiny measure of how much I love you, how much I want to be with you, how much I want to hold and treasure you.

What an awesome experience is ours for the taking! When we set aside the time to snuggle into God’s presence and lean into His love, we nurture a close relationship with the God of the Universe. Sacrificing a few moments of sleep, postponing a must-do task, and putting aside pesky distractions, we can close our eyes, take a few centering breaths, and allow our souls to connect with our Heavenly Father. We can open the Bible and bask in God’s whispers of love. And to think, God enjoys these moments even more than we do!

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for wanting to be close to me. Help me to take the time today to draw near to You. Amen.

Be encouraged!

©2017 Pamela D. Williams