Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Healthy Helping

I need to be needed. I am my happiest, most fulfilled, and most empowered when someone needs me. When my children were at home they filled that need. Now that they are grown I look for others to “mother”— others who need me.

However, I have found that there is a line that I must draw. I cannot let my need to be needed spiral into dependency—and that takes tough love. It means nudging the person out of their comfort zone. It also means backing off when my need to be needed holds them back, when it becomes a hindrance to their development and maturity.

It’s like teaching our children to walk. “Come to Mommy! You can do it!” we coach them, as they put one shaky leg in front of the other. We keep our arms outstretched to catch them if they fall, but we let them totter toward us. Though they often plunk down on their well-padded bottoms, we encourage them to get back up and keep trying. We would love to jump in and scoop them up in our arms, but we know that, in the long run, they need to develop this skill.

I think God must walk this same tightrope. He loves it when we realize we need Him. He wants with all His heart to parent us, to help us become all that He has designed us to be. However, He also knows that to do that, He must sometimes nudge us forward into places and situations where we don’t want to go. God realizes that in order for us to “be all that we can be” for Him, we need strong faith muscles that the “easy life” just won’t develop.

So, when we go through challenges that seem like they will overwhelm us, let us remember that God will use these trials to make us stronger, more faith-filled believers. He is right there with us, coaching and encouraging us, needing to be needed, but knowing when to step in and when to step back.

God wants us to “mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching and by the clever cunning of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 4:12-14

Be encouraged!

P.S. Some setting I goofed up won’t let me “reply” to comments. Please know I read and appreciate every one. Thanks for your input.

©2017 Pamela D. Williams