Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Hit the Switch

I have a colorful bruise along the side of my knee. Very early the other morning, while it was still dark, I was making my way through the living room without turning on any lights. Suddenly I tripped over the edge of our area rug and rammed smack into the coffee table. It would have been much wiser to turn on a lamp.

Banging my knee while traipsing through the house in the dark turned out to be painful physically, but many of us are traversing a much more dangerous path with far greater disastrous consequences—walking around in the dark spiritually when we don’t have to be!

Psalm 119:105 says God’s Word is a lamp to guide us and a light for our path. God has given us a spiritual nightlight, yet, even those of us who are Christians continue to try to navigate life in the dark! We strain our eyes to see where we should be going, what we should be saying, how we should be acting, when God has handed us His flashlight! We just need to turn it on!

The Bible is full of insights, wisdom, warning signals, and directional arrows for right living. (2 Timothy 3:16) No, we may not find “Buy that new, red Jeep Cherokee” spelled out, but we will find wisdom to help us make good, thought-out decisions. Although there is no verse that says, “Take your curmudgeon neighbor a pumpkin pie next week,” the Bible is full of guidelines for right behavior.

As we read God’s Word, His Holy Spirit will highlight passages, shine a spotlight on certain verses, and give us those “lightbulb” moments of understanding and application that we need. (john 14:26) But it won’t happen unless we “hit the switch” by opening the book and reading the words.

Believe me, my bruised knee has taught me to turn on a light or plug in a nightlight before wandering through the house at night. Likewise, let us open God’s Word and let His light guide and direct us each and every day, rather than stumbling through life tripping over our own limited understanding and stumbling up against the consequences of unwise decisions.

Be encouraged!

©2018 Pamela D. Williams