Christmas, Mom stockpiled various tins and plastic containers of Nut Horns, Potato
Candy, Date and Nut Pinwheels, and other baked goods in the “cold room” closet.
She also kept an ever-present supply of soda pop—Orange Crush, 7-Up, and a
couple cans of Diet Pepsi for my husband.
metal folding chairs were stacked up against the one wall under a clothing bar
crammed full of seasonal clothing. We dragged them out each time there was an extended-family
a shelf above the bar were boxes of Christmas decorations, old photos, etc. Huge
nails pounded into the walls at useful locations held outdoor Christmas wreaths
draped in old sheets, 50’ extension cords, a tangle of twinkle lights, and a
couple of holiday wall hangings. The floor along the walls was lined with boots,
window AC units, and more boxes of “stuff” she kept “just in case”.
Mom down-sized last year, her apartment had no such closet. Many of the things
that were brought out just at the holidays were re-distributed among family
Christmas, we seem to bring out much that, for most of the year, we keep stored
away. Along with putting up cheery decorations and giving gifts, we smile more,
donate more generously, tolerate inconveniences more politely, make more visits
to friends and family, distribute our wealth more freely, and in a myriad of other
ways share love—unselfish, unconditional love like God bestowed on us when He
sent Jesus to be our Savior.
year, let’s share the treasure God gave us—a treasure that moths can’t eat, rust
can’t destroy, and thieves can’t break in and steal. (Matthew 6:19) Let’s share
the Good News of John 3:16, God loves us so much that He gave His only Son Jesus
to save us from our sins.
when the Christmas season comes to a close, let’s not pack up our generosity,
tolerance, selflessness, and smiles along with the nativity scene and decorations
from the tree. Instead let’s live every day as Jesus calls us to—righteously, lovingly,
and sacrificially.
©2018 Pamela D. Williams