“Naturally, I . . .”
“I initially reacted by . . .”
“My first thought was . . . “
Since early on in my Christian walk, I have prayed that my natural,
first responses would be ones that come directly from God, holy and selfless.
However, in reality, I find my initial reactions are often not.
For instance, in place of quick and humble admission of
guilt when I have done something wrong, I claim, “It wasn’t my fault!”
Or, instead of considering that there may be truth in someone’s’
criticism of me, I immediately want to spout retaliatory accusations.
In Romans 7, Paul talks about the ongoing spiritual battle
between our human nature and God’s Spirit. Even Paul admitted, “I do not
understand what I do; for I don't do what I would like to do, but instead I do
what I hate.”
And yet, just one chapter later, Paul reminds us, “God
declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for
our sins…The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you…Therefore,
you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do…For the
Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses.”
How do we tap into that power? By reading God's Word, talking with Jesus, and by relying on God’s Holy Spirit who dwells within us as our comforter, helper, teacher and guide. Quality fellowship
with Jesus is powerful. We need to slow
down and spend time with Him if we want His reactions to be our first response
Be encouraged!
Pam©2019 Pamela D. Williams
Comments welcome via Facebook or email (writepam71@gmail.com).