Wednesday, May 15, 2019

If Only

When we visited the SPCA in 2002, a friendly tabby cat pranced over to us on feathered feet and wrapped her puffy tail right around us. We had no choice but to bring her home! We named her Isabelle and we were blessed with her company for 18 months.

Unbeknownst to us Isabelle harbored a deadly virus that cut her life short. But up until the week she died, Isabelle courageously lived each day to the fullest. As though she understood Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it,” Isabelle found joy in each new day. She played intensely, loved unashamedly, and faced the unknown fearlessly. Isabelle truly lived life.

As I reflect on Isabelle’s approach to life, I wonder if I am truly appreciating each moment of my life, or am I always thinking “if only…”: If only we lived closer to our kids and grandkids…If only my mom would come live with us…If only my friend wasn't moving…If only I had a job…

Have I spent so much time wishing circumstances were different that I have lost hours of blessings unique to my current situation? Has looking back at what was caused me to miss out on what is?

Lord, I want to really live my life, not just pass through it. Let me see your hand and glory in this season of life, in the marvel of these surroundings, and in the fellowship of these kindred spirits. Lord, help me to take note of all you lovingly give me—the most incredibly loving husband anyone could ever want, the bond with my grandkids despite the distance separating us, gardens full of gorgeous flowers and symphonies of beautiful birdsong. So many blessings, Lord.

Each day is a gift from You. Every wonder, both obvious and hidden, comes from you. Not only reveal these blessings to me, Lord; but show me opportunities to share them with all whom I come in contact today. Amen.

Be encouraged!

©2019 Pamela D. Williams
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