In a Garden
In a Garden
In a garden every sense
is awakened to the presence of God.
The infinity of textures—fuzzy
leaves, prickly thorns, and soft petals—
reveal the handiwork
of the Master Designer.
The spectrum of colors—shades,
blends, and hues of reds, yellows, and blues —
declare the
creativity of the Gifted Artist.
The myriad of
fragrances—lilac, rose, and lavender—
attest to the skill
of the Wise Perfumer.
The symphony of sounds—singing
birds, rolling thunder, buzzing bees—
indicate the
versatility of the Brilliant Musician.
The abundance of
flavors—mint, honeysuckle, and sage—
divulge the expertise
of the Top Chef.
Life began in a garden
and in every garden,
the Giver of Life reveals
“For since the creation
of the world God's invisible qualities,
His eternal power and
divine nature,
have been clearly seen,
being understood from
His workmanship,
so that men are without
Romans 1:20
©2019 Pamela D. Williams