It's been a while! Back in 2019 I took a part-time job, and
my blog began collecting dust. Now that my husband Dick and I are retired, I
find myself with the time to write again.
Isn't that the way of things in life--ever changing? Retirement has brought on a whole new season for Dick and me. Being honest, it hasn't been an easy transition. Pastoral ministry for us was full-time--24/7. Our church wasn’t just where Dick worked, but where we found friendship and "family". Bringing that era to a close entailed more than just no longer going to the office.
Dick and I lived in parsonages for our entire 46 years of ministry. So, retirement also meant finding a place to live--as well as new doctors, dentists, vets, mechanics, plumbers, etc. It's been a process--one not without a few tears and bewilderments--but also, one filled with blessings.
LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.
You guard all that
is mine.
The land you have
given me is a pleasant land.
What a wonderful
I will bless the
LORD who guides me.
Even at night my
heart instructs me.
I know the LORD is
always with me.
I will not be
shaken, for He is right beside me.
©2022 Pamela D. Williams