Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I'm Baaaaackkkkkk!

It's been a while! Back in 2019 I took a part-time job, and my blog began collecting dust. Now that my husband Dick and I are retired, I find myself with the time to write again.

Isn't that the way of things in life--ever changing? Retirement has brought on a whole new season for Dick and me. Being honest, it hasn't been an easy transition. Pastoral ministry for us was full-time--24/7. Our church wasn’t just where Dick worked, but where we found friendship and "family". Bringing that era to a close entailed more than just no longer going to the office.

Dick and I lived in parsonages for our entire 46 years of ministry. So, retirement also meant finding a place to live--as well as new doctors, dentists, vets, mechanics, plumbers, etc. It's been a process--one not without a few tears and bewilderments--but also, one filled with blessings.

 Throughout our ministry, God was always faithful to provide us with just what we needed. And He is still caring for us today. Our move to Pinewood Acres has been filled with evidence of His love. We couldn't ask for a nicer house--that came complete with furniture, cleaning supplies, towels and sheets, and a riding mower! But the best part has been our neighbors--wonderful people who take care of one another and who pray for each other!

 We connected with an active, Jesus-centered church where we have been welcomed with open arms. It is a church that shares the gospel and reaches out into the community with loving hands and a message of hope. We are affirmed in our relationship with Jesus and challenged in our daily walk with Him. We have found kindred spirits in Pastor Dan and his wife, Sandy. God has led us here and we are thankful.

 The greatest blessing of my life, next to salvation through Jesus, has always been Dick. He is truly my best friend. These days, we spend many hours just talking, sharing household chores, working puzzles, and just being together in the same room while occupied with our own individual interests. Gradually, our weeks are taking on a healthy pattern. Life is good!

 Psalm 16: 5-8 says it best:

    LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.

    You guard all that is mine.

    The land you have given me is a pleasant land.

    What a wonderful inheritance!

    I will bless the LORD who guides me.

    Even at night my heart instructs me.

    I know the LORD is always with me.

    I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.

 Be encouraged!

©2022 Pamela D. Williams