Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August Musings


August Mewsings

by Pam Williams


The weathered porch swing gently sways,

Its burden sound asleep.

The old gray cat enjoys the peace,

His breathing soft and deep.


The roses lend their sweet perfume,

Their branches bowed with blooms

Faint whiffs of mint waft by the cat,

A garden’s rich perfumes.


From clover head to clover head

A bee buzzes and soars.

The locusts drone their summer note,

And echo kitty’s snores.


Just inches from the feline’s ear,

A Monarch butterfly

Is drifting on the sultry air,

But doesn’t catch his eye.


Two pirouetting paper moths

Twirl past on gauzy wings.

A pair of hummingbirds sweep by

One hovers near the swing.


A robin dips across the lawn

And perches on the fence.

He glimpses his arch enemy;

His chirp is loud and tense.


The old gray cat lifts up his head

And sniffs the summer air.

The porch swing is so welcoming!

Shoo birds! He doesn’t care.


Next time the fluttering of wings

May lure him from his bed,

But not today; He breathes a sigh

And shuts his eyes instead.


 ©2022 Pamela D. Williams
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