The instant I read the quote
my friend posted, I burst into tears.
I wish I had hugged you just a little bit tighter that day. I didn’t know it was my last chance.
My mom passed away in her sleep during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. She was 88 and her heart simply gave out. For weeks we had all worn masks and sat six feet apart. But I could see the lack of touch and the social distancing was wearing on Mom. The truth is, it was wearing on me, too. So, I decided the benefits of a hug outweighed the risks. I just wish I had held her longer. If I had only known it was the last time.
The evening before Mom passed, my husband and I were at her house helping her put up a few Christmas decorations. As we went to leave, I gave her a quick squeeze and an automatic, “I love you!” Only a few hours later she went Home to be with Jesus. How I wish I had hugged her longer and had looked into her eyes and told her how very, very much I loved her. If only I had known, it was my last chance.
None of us knows when it will be our last moment to tell someone we love them, the last occasion to show kindness to a stranger, the last opportunity to ask forgiveness for a hurt we have caused.
Jesus tells us there is another “last time” coming that we want to be sure we are ready for—the last day—the day when Jesus returns, and we rise to meet Him. No one on earth knows just when that day will be (Matthew 24:36). Jesus says it will come when we are least expecting it. (Matthew 24:44)
Though we may not know when, God’s Word tells us how we can prepare for that day. By admitting we have done wrong and believing that Jesus took the punishment for our wrongdoing, we can be ready to meet Him face to face. There need never be the regret of “If only I had known this was the last time, my last chance, my last opportunity . . . to put my trust in what Jesus did for me.”
Let’s not put off accepting Jesus as our Savior. Let’s not miss the opportunity to be put right with God. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “Indeed, the ‘right time’ is now. Today is the day of salvation.”
Be encouraged!
©2022 Pamela D. Williams
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