Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Caring for Fellow Believers

Are we living out Scripture toward our fellow followers of Jesus? Our Bible study group is studying Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. As we made our way verse by verse through chapter five, I noticed Paul implored the believers over and over to care for each other.

5 Encourage one another and help one another

            13 Be at peace among yourselves.

            14 Correct wrongdoers, encourage the feeble souls, bear the burdens of the weak

and be patient with every person.

15 Make it your aim to do good to one another and to all people.

25 Pray also for us, friends.

26 Greet all the believers with the kiss of peace.

How do we go about showing the kind of caring Paul was encouraging us to give to those who share our faith? In my own life, my fellow believers have ministered to me in a multitude of ways. I have been touched and blessed by those who have seen a need in my life and reached out to me in Christlike love. In return, I have tried to pay it forward. As I think back over the years in light of 1 Thessalonians 5, I realize that Paul mentions many of those very same acts of love and kindness in these verses. These are just a very few examples of the grace and mercy God has shown me through others.

Encouraging. When I went through chemo, my friend Brenda Williams brought me a cute bag of little self-indulgent gifts (comfy socks, chocolates, lotions, etc.) each time I went for treatment, just to keep up my spirits.

Cooperating. Joe and Michelle Kovel shared teaching responsibilities for our teen Sunday School class with me. We tag teamed, covered for one another, and learned from each other.

Correcting. Dawn, Virginia, and Brianna worked tirelessly with me editing my book for publication. Their corrections where my words could be spiritually misleading and vigilance where I overlooked mistakes were invaluable.

Helping. When our son was in the hospital, Craig Hoover shoveled out our house and garage during a snowstorm that dropped three feet of snow.

Being patient. My hubby has put up with me for 48 years. Just sayin’.

Bearing burdens. Cheryl Andeus and I met for coffee many times at the Big Oak just to vent and gain empathy from one another.

Praying. Isabelle Lykens prayed for our family every day from the time she met us till the day she died—long after we had moved away and were serving in other churches

Welcoming. Our first Sunday at a new church is always awkward for me. I don't know where to sit. Lydia Lane sensed that. She immediately came and invited me to sit with her so I wouldn’t feel alone.

My heart is full to overflowing with gratitude for each of those people and for the hundreds more God has sent my way over the years. What are some of the ways other Christians have lived out Scripture toward you? Who is God nudging you to reach out to today?

Be encouraged!

©2022 Pamela D. Williams.
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