Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Declaration of Dependence

Independence Day celebrates the ratification of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It proclaims that the thirteen colonies were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain, and were now united, free, and independent states.

There’s a different kind of independence rampant today—independence from God. Many feel no commitment to Him and certainly do not feel they are subject to Him. They want to be in charge–to call their own shots—to be free.

While God gives us a lot of freedom, we are not independent of Him. He is ultimately in control—whether we want to believe it or not.

Man in the Mirror Bible Studies puts it this way, “We’re all tempted to think we can be in control of our lives. It might be by chasing financial independence, gaining the upper hand over circumstances, or figuring out how to be left alone so we can do our own thing. But Jesus calls us to a life of radical dependence. It is insanely crazy to think we’re in charge–or to even want to be!”

Hmmmm . . . radical dependence . . .  While it’s great that our nation celebrates its independence from monarchy rule, we, as individuals should relinquish control to God and declare our dependence on Him—our Creator, Sustainer, Savior, and King!

John Wesley said it well in his Covenant Prayer:

I am no longer my own, but yours.

Put me to what you will, place me with whom you will.

Put me to doing, put me to suffering.

Let me be put to work for you or set aside for you,

Praised for you or criticized for you.

Let me be full, let me be empty.

Let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and fully surrender all things to your glory and service.

And now, O wonderful and holy God,

Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer,

You are mine, and I am yours. So be it.

Let the covenant which I have made on earth,

also be made in heaven. Amen.

Will you join me in making this prayer our Declaration of Dependence on God?

Be encouraged!

©2023 Pamela D. Williams.
Comments welcome at