Wednesday, August 2, 2023


During our church’s vacation Bible school, one of the lessons talked about obstacles that keep us from Jesus. In Matthew 19, we hear about how the disciples tried to keep the children from coming close Jesus—they became obstacles for those kids who wanted to get near Him. But Jesus soon corrected the disciples and told them that He welcomed children. In fact, Jesus encourages US to become like them—in their faith and trust in Him! (Matthew 18:1-3)

As a visual for the kids at VBS, we set up a challenge course that included running, jumping, and crawling for them to race through so that they could understand the concept of “obstacles”.  We then talked about the kinds of things that can get in our way when we try to get to know Jesus better and to spend time with Him. The kids caught on and had many suggestions—sin, too much TV, the Devil, etc. All good answers.

Their response made me think about the obstacles in my own life that get in the way of spending time with Jesus and getting to know Him better. Sometimes I run around dashing from one thing to another—cleaning, shopping, laundry—like the VBS kids trying to beat the clock. As I crawl into bed exhausted, I realize I hadn’t taken the time to pray that day.

Or I get wrapped up in a book or watch too many episodes of my favorite programs on TV, and fail to lose myself in the best, most helpful book of all—the Bible. Where did the time go?

Other obstacles come from within me. I can misplace priorities and subscribe importance to what I later realize is insignificant, all to the detriment of time with Jesus.

And, the kids are right, sometimes Satan whispers lies to keep us from getting close to Jesus. “He can’t forgive THAT sin!” “Just skip your devotions this one time. It won’t hurt your relationship.” “If you can’t give Him more than a few minutes today, don’t bother.” “You failed Him again. He doesn’t want someone close to Him who always lets Him down.” ALL LIES! But sometimes, in all truthfulness, I believe them.

Like His invitation to the children, Jesus welcomes all of us into a relationship with Him. (Matthew 11:28) He tears down every barrier erected between us. (Colossians 2:13–15) NOTHING can separate us from Jesus’ love—NOTHING! (Romans 8:31-39)

Are there obstacles in your life that have kept you from getting close to Jesus? Since Jesus has removed every hindrance between us and God, let’s stop creating our own hurdles to jump or difficulties to crawl through. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Come to Him—in the wee hours, in the middle of the day, in the stolen seconds, in the sweet hour of prayer, in the car as we drive, beside the bed before sleep—wherever and whenever, He is always near and wants us to draw close to Him. (James 4:8)

Be encouraged!

©2023 Pamela D. Williams.
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