Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Being An Example

A few months ago, a dear young woman from the Philippines began a 12-month internship in agriculture here in Mercersburg. Within a short time of arriving in town, Carmelle found her way to Mercersburg First United Methodist Church.

Her bubbly personality and genuine enthusiasm to be here attracted many of us to her. She has touched many hearts. Carmelle told me we are like her family here in the U.S. And there’s a good reason for that—we have the same Father—Father God!

Carmelle was introduced to Jesus in 2019 by a friend who talked to her about how to have a relationship with Him and who invited her to a Bible study to learn more. Carmelle eagerly accepted Jesus as her Savior and became a dedicated student of God’s Word. Her faith is deep and bold—no holding back! She is a joy to be around and stirs the embers of faith in others by her speech, her conduct, her love . . .

Wait! That sounds just like the person Paul encouraged Timothy to be in I Timothy 4:12-13! “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young but be an example for the believers in your speech, your conduct, your love, your faith, and your purity.”

However, Paul’s challenge isn’t just for the young, is it. It’s for all of us! We are to draw others to Jesus by telling them about Him, but also by how we live in this world of challenges and temptations—by our conduct, our love, our faith, our purity. . . in every aspect of life.

It’s a challenge Carmelle has taken seriously and that we should also. Our attitudes, our reactions, our words, our care, our standards—all exemplify for others how a relationship with Jesus affects our day to day living.

Are we being good examples of a Jesus’ follower? Is God’s Spirit so alive in us that, like Carmelle, it just bubbles out of us and touches everyone we meet? While we realize that we are not perfect, what we do does affect the lives of those around us. William J. Toms wrote, “Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.”

Let’s make it an irresistible, riveting book that those reading it just can’t put down!

Be encouraged!

©2023 Pamela D. Williams.
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