Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Waiting to Be Called

A few decades ago, Nancy Honeytree wrote a song called, “I Am Your Servant”.

I am a servant; I am waiting for the call.

I've been unfaithful, so I sit here in the hall.

How can You use me when I've never given all?

How can You choose me when You know I'd quickly fall?

I have felt this way. Sadly, I haven’t always been faithful, haven’t always been dependable, haven’t always answered when He’s called.

Others have felt the same. The apostle Peter grieved bitterly over how he repeatedly let Jesus down, and yet the Lord entrust him with the gospel.

Why? How can He continue to trust us? Nancy’s song gives us some insight into how Jesus does this.

So, you feed my soul, and you make me grow,

And you let me know you love me.

I am worthless now, but I've made a vow,

I will humbly bow before thee.

O please use me; I am lonely.

Jesus nurtures our tiny seeds of faith. He brings us through difficult times. He connects us with others who are serving Him. He speaks to our hearts through His Word and during prayer. He chastens and uplifts; He corrects and encourages us!

I am a servant getting ready for my part.

There's been a change, a rearrangement in my heart.

At last, I'm learning, there's no returning once I start.

To live is a privilege, to love is such an art.

But I need your help to start.

O please purify my heart. I am your servant.

And the result is dynamic! The message Jesus entrusted to His unfaithful disciples has been passed on through centuries and generations! And it can continue through us! Unfaithful, though we may have been. Jesus can still use us. We are His servants. Let us be true, faithful, and ever-ready as we wait for His call.

Be encouraged!

©2024 Pamela D. Williams.
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