Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wrap Me in Your Arms

Freddy Rodriguez wrote a praise song called, “Wrap Me in Your Arms”. It has become a default melody that my mind and heart latch onto any time that I am stressed, worried, or angry. Here are the main lyrics:

"There is a God who loves me, Who wraps me in His arms.

That is the place where I'm changed, and that's where I belong.

Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place where I can be with You, and You make me like You.

Wrap me in Your arms, wrap me in Your arms, wrap me in Your arms."

Isn’t that what we all want—Someone to hold us? Sometimes (even often) we feel like a small child, running with outstretched arms, into the embrace of his mom or dad, when something in his world isn’t right. We may be overwhelmed, frightened, or blindingly furious. We need the comfort of Someone’s strong arms, the assurance that Someone else is in control, the soothing presence of Someone who understands and loves us no matter what state we are in.

Jesus is the only one we can be completely honest with about our thoughts, our feelings, our wants—no matter how unacceptable, self-centered, or misguided they may be. Unlike many of our fellow human beings, Jesus doesn’t judge; He saves. (John 12:47) Jesus unconditionally loves us! (Revelations 1:5) When we lean into Him, He picks us up, holds us in His arms, and sets us on the right track. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

No matter how old we are, we still need Someone to turn to who we know will wrap us in His arms, let us know we belong, and will change us for the better. Someone who will NEVER leave us or give up on us. (Hebrews 13:5) That Someone is Jesus!

Be encouraged!

©2024 Pamela D. Williams.
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