How does faith grow? For me, God often grows my faith from
His answers to prayers that can seem unimportant to others but are significant
to me.
I remember one morning when I had baked a cake for a funeral dinner that would be held at our church later that day. It hadn’t gotten cooled in time for me to frost it before Dick had to leave to open the church for the funeral director. We only had one car, so I planned to call a friend who was also taking food. It turned out she had to work that day and had sent her dish with a relative.
As I stood at the counter praying about what to do, I looked out the window towards the post office across the street. There pulling into a parking space was Margaret from church. I knew she was planning to help with the dinner, so I quickly grabbed by cake and ran over to her car. When she came out of the post office, I asked her if she could deliver my cake to the church. She readily agreed! Problem solved! Prayer answered!
Just this morning, I dropped Dick off at school (he is substituting at a Christian Academy). Pulling back out on the highway toward Chambersburg is a take-your-life-in-your-hands experience at that time of day. Often, it requires toward Greencastle and looking for somewhere to turn around. As I left the school parking lot, I prayed, “Lord, help me get safely back on Route 11 without having to go the opposite way and then try to turn around.” As I stopped at the intersection, there were no cars coming from my left and the ones from my right were a good distance away. I could pull out with no problems. Prayer answered!
Those answers to prayer, along with countless other tiny problems God had worked out for me, help build my faith in Him. Then when the big problems come along—major health problems, significant job changes, loss of loved ones, relationship challenges, etc—the basis for my faith in Him has been well established. I KNOW God will see us through!
How has God grown your faith from the little things? It doesn’t take much faith for Him to work. “If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed . . .”
Be encouraged!