Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blessings of Blogging: Finding My Voice


Publisher Sandra Bishop says, “Voice [in writing] is our personality on paper,” and adds our particular flavor and style. One of the blessings of blogging is that, through the regular practice of writing for our blogs, we can discover our voice as writers. It isn’t hard. It’s just us, being ourselves. Our writing voice is the tone, the inflection, the attitude in which our words are whispered to our readers.

“But don't worry ahead of time about what you will say.
Just say what God brings to your mind at the time.
It is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.”
Mark 13:11

©2012 Pamela D. Williams

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blessings of Blogging: Blogging Toolbox

Each Wednesday in April 2012, I am sharing a way that blogging has been a blessing to me.
I would love to hear about how blogging
has positively impacted your life.
Care to share your blessings in a comment? 

Blogging is a tool God has given us to:
Affect change
Build confidence
Connect families
Display art
Encourage others
Form friendships
Gather input
Hone skills
Inspire readers
Journal thoughts
Keep writing
Launch books
Minister faith
Nurture growth
Offer suggestions
Promote products
Query readers
Report news
Share wisdom
Tell stories
Unveil truth
Verbalize feelings
Widen viewpoints
eXpose misconceptions
Yield profits
Zone in on issues

“I become all things to all people,
that I may save some of them
by whatever means are possible.”
1 Corinthians 9:22

©2012 Pamela D. Williams

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blessings of Blogging: Jesus

Welcome to
On Wednesdays during the month of April 2012, I am sharing some of the many ways that blogging has been a blessing to me.
I would love to hear about how blogging
has positively impacted your life.
Care to share your blessings in a comment?

I have run into Jesus all over the Internet—at websites, in social media, and, of course, on blogs. He is everywhere Christians “hangout”. Jesus is at the center of the lives of the bloggers that I follow. Through their posts, His words and actions are made known. His light shines through each one, blessing every reader and drawing us closer to Him.

"Here’s another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. [Jesus] is not a secret to be kept. Go public with this . . ."
Matthew 5:14-15

©2012 Pamela D. Williams

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blessings of Blogging: Friendships

On Wednesdays during April of 2012, I am sharing some of the many ways that blogging has been a blessing to me.
I would love to hear about how blogging
has positively impacted your life.
Care to share your blessings in a comment? 
Click HERE to read the story of these two friends.

Through blogging I now have dear friends on both coasts and many states in between. We have been together for about a year. We not only read one another’s blogs, we email prayer requests, check in on one another, share burdens and joys, and offer wise counsel. Who would have thought that blogging could forge genuine friendships with kindred spirits?

“A friend loves at all times.” Proverbs 17:17

©2012 Pamela D. Williams