Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Photo by Pam Williams
“You can do it!”

“One. More. Time!”

“You got this!”

“You’re doing great!”

“Lookin’ good!”

With autumn come the sounds of cheering as football, soccer, cross country, field hockey, and other sports gear up. Yet, the comments I opened with weren’t heard at any sporting event—they have been said to me over the course of my chemotherapy treatments.

At some time or other we all need a cheerleader or two to encourage us as we face challenges in our lives. God has made sure I am surrounded by an extensive squad of enthusiastic individuals who are cheering me on. With five treatments down and one to go, He knows I have needed them—desperately.

There have been days—days of aches, odd pains, insomnia, nausea, startling glimpses in the mirror, weird tastes, itches, and mind-numbing fatigue—when I have said, “The heck with this.” “I can’t go another round.” “I want to quit.” But my Fearless Leader always sends a member of the squad to give me a pep talk—a friend, family member, Facebook acquaintance, co-worker, or fellow Christian,

I do have a favorite cheerleader—he’s the best and he is by my side as much as possible. Dick never makes me face an appointment alone. He listens patiently when I whine and grumble. He lets me cry on his shoulder. He puts his arms around me and tells me I am beautiful.

How could I possibly remain discouraged?

God’s Word says we are to encourage one another and build up one another. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Encouragement is the theme of my blog. Why? We live in a fallen, self-centered world where we face a myriad of challenges. We need an encouraging word, an uplifting prayer, a reassuring hug, an act of kindness—just so we can take the next step, and the next, and the next. One seemingly small and insignificant comment or action can make someone’s day and ultimately help them keep on keeping on. I know it works for me.

Who’s your favorite "cheerleader" in life?

Be encouraged!

 ©2015 Pamela D. Williams