Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Ministry of Music

Photo by Pam Williams

Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs;
sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts.
Ephesians 5:19
Hymns and praise songs often bring to mind vivid memories of special times, people, or occasions. Whether in church, at camp, or during a revival, the Holy Spirit often speaks through music to change hearts and offer a fresh start in life.

Every time our congregation sings “How Great Thou Art” I think of my dad. I can almost hear his voice joining in. Daddy frequently sang “How Great Thou Art” standing in our kitchen with my mom, his brother, and his sister-in-law. With their arms draped around each other’s shoulders, the four of them would sing beautiful four-part harmony.

When I got older, Daddy and I sang “How Great Thou Art” as a duet. He carried the lead as a tenor while I added the alto. We, too, would put our arms around each other’s shoulders and lean our heads together. It is a precious, intimate memory of time spent with Daddy, made all the more extraordinary because singing together was one of the very few levels on which Daddy and I connected.

For Daddy, “How Great Thou Art” articulated his thoughts, feelings and mental image of God. For him, a walk in the woods evoked the same praise and reverence for God as a sanctuary.

What song holds a special place in your heart? What makes it special to you?
©2013 Pamela D. Williams