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Imagine if the Queen of England knocked at your front door.
. . Or, Gibbs, I mean, Mark Harmon, rang your doorbell. . . Or, James Dobson
rapped on your sliding glass doors. How would you feel if someone you
long-admired—a famous, influential, and time-honored person—came to see YOU?
How would you act? What would you say?
I think I would be speechless initially, then blubbery,
falling all over myself in my efforts to invite the person in. I would do my
very best to make them feel welcome—assuring that they had a comfy seat, some
refreshments, and my full attention. I would hang on every word and feel incredibly
honored to just sit and chat with them. I would want to pinch myself to make
sure I was awake and that these moments were real. Most certainly, you would
find me texting or calling others to let them know who was sitting in my family
So far, that hasn’t happened to me—no one like that has
knocked on my door. How about you?
But, wait a minute. In Revelation 3:20 Jesus says, “I stand
at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in,
and we will share a meal together as friends.”
The God of the Universe, the Lord of all, has done that very
thing—He has “Knock, Knock-ed” on the door of my heart; He has rung the
doorbell of my life; Jesus has rapped on the window of my soul! Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, wants me to get to know Him personally, to enjoy time with Him,
to laugh and cry and be honest.
But do I greet Jesus with the same honor and respect that I
would Queen Elizabeth? Am I as excited and thrilled to have Him in my home as I
would be to welcome Mark Harmon? Am I hanging on His every word, like I would
if I could ask James Dobson a few questions in the privacy of my home?
I don’t think I have fully realized what a wonderful
privilege it is that the Lord of all creation waits at the door, asking to
spend time with me. Yes, I have invited Him in, but sometimes, while my body may
be in a position of prayer, my mind is 1000 miles away. Other times I don’t let
Jesus get a word in edgewise—I talk to Him like I am leaving a message on voice
mail! I wouldn’t dream of treating one of my special guests that way! And Jesus
is far more special a guest!
It’s time I offer Him the deference, the reverence, the attentiveness
that is due Him. My prayer is that I will not only call out, “Come on in!” but
will treasure my time with Him, fully aware of Whose presence I am in.
Be encouraged!