Wednesday, May 2, 2018


As I watched my new friend Peggy whipping together the dressing for potato salad, I heard her mumble, “I’m forgetting something in this recipe.”

She closed her eyes and looked heavenward. “Jesus, what’s the next ingredient?” she asked. “Thank you, Lord!” Smiling, she reached into the cupboard for an additional condiment.

I watched in amazement. Jesus was so real to her—present with her in EVERYTHING she did! As the afternoon progressed, I saw, through Peggy and her husband, more and more evidence that Jesus was right there in the room with us! He was so close when we prayed, I could feel His presence, too! That experience was the beginning of my walk with Jesus as a true believer.

Hebrews 11 tells us that God requires each of us to have faith in Him. The good news is that He will provide plenty of evidence for us to believe!

In a recent Quiet Walk devotional, I read these words of encouragement based on John 20:
“Thomas needed to be shown that the miracle of Jesus' resurrection was really true. God provided Thomas with the proof he needed. Jesus appeared to Thomas and said, "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands. Do not be unbelieving but believing." (20:27) Jesus saw what Thomas needed and gave him sufficient evidence to believe. You don't have to be afraid of sincere doubt. That doubt can be changed. Just examine the evidence of Christ's work in the New Testament.”

As I read John 20, I realized that God will do whatever is needed to prove we can believe in Him! Look at the examples from this single chapter!
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen at the empty tomb and reassures her He has been raised, just as He said.
Jesus appears to His disciples in a locked room to prove He is alive.
Jesus appears to Thomas and allows him to touch His wounds to prove He is who He claimed to be.
God had the Bible written so that anyone who read it could believe.

To this body of evidence, we can add the encounter several followers had on the road to Emmaus, the Ethiopian eunuch’s salvation experience in his carriage, and Paul’s conversion on his way to Damascus. God meets us where we are!

My witness of Peggy’s faith in Jesus was only the beginning of many ways God has helped me to believe in Him—my father’s salvation, an alcoholic friend’s changed life, our daughter’s adoption, and the peace we experienced in the face of our son’s kidney loss, my cancer diagnosis, and Dick’s unemployment—to name just a few.

How has God proven Himself to you? Still looking for that proof? Ask God to help you to believe according to the evidence. Like the father in Mark 9:24, your prayer can be: "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

Be encouraged!

 ©2018 Pamela D. Williams