Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Is It Okay to Repeat Yourself?

“Mom, where is the Scripture that says we are only to pray about something once? The one that says we don’t need to keep praying about the same thing over and over,” Erin texted.

“I don’t remember any Scriptures that say that,” I typed back to her. It turns out that Erin got this idea about prayer from a minister we heard 20 years ago at a revival. I remember the instance. I also remember wondering what Biblical evidence he found to support his thinking.

My daughter’s question served as a catalyst to dig into what the Bible does say about praying for the same need over and over. As I researched, I actually found just the opposite to be true.

While Jesus said in Matthew 6:7 not to use a lot of meaningless, repetitious, words when we pray, (thinking that God will hear because of how long our prayers are), I always thought He was referring to either chanting the same thing over and over or praying long, wordy prayers just to sound impressive. Have you ever been witness to this type of praying?

Being honest, there have been times when I have fought to stay focused when the person praying seemed to be convinced they had to say the same thing 15 different ways to make sure God understood. I think this is the hollow, tedious prayer Jesus was warning against.

Jesus Himself prayed about a need more than once. Matthew 26:44 tells us that Jesus prayed the same prayer three times in the Garden of Gethsemane. This instance is one of the examples mentioned in Psalm 85:13, John 13:15, and 1 Peter 2:21 that Jesus left us to follow.

2 Corinthians 12:8 shares how Paul prayed three times for God to take away his “thorn in the flesh”. Paul obviously felt some requests are worth praying about repeatedly.

In Luke 18, Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow who repeatedly approached a judge to grant her rights, which he finally did. Then Jesus says, " Now, will God not judge in favor of his own people who cry to him day and night for help?" (vs. 7) Sounds to me like God doesn’t mind when we pray about a need more than once.

My husband Dick, also a pastor, believes God encourages us to pray over and over about something as a way for us to hear ourselves and refine what we are really asking. Sometimes what we pray the first time isn't in line with His will. He can use our time spent praying about the same thing to help us get a better understanding of what He wants in a situation. If He keeps saying no, I take that to mean there is something about what I am asking that needs adjusting, the time isn't right, or there is something God is teaching me through His "No."

Be encouraged!


©2018 Pamela D. Williams