“Are you busy tomorrow?” my aunt inquired when she called.
“Not at all. What’s up?” I asked.
“I have an appointment with the heart doctor at 10 in the
morning. . .” she hesitantly started.
“I can take you.” I interjected. “We’ll go there and then do
lunch. Does that sound good?”
I was thrilled to be able to help my Aunt Jan. For over
forty years Dick and I lived away and missed many of family relationship-building
moments. Since we recently moved back to the area where much of my family lives,
I am absolutely LOVING that I can attend most of the family get-togethers, baby-sit
for my niece at the last-minute, help my mom with every-day chores, take my
aunt for a doctor’s appointment, or meet my cousin for coffee.
We all go through challenges in which we need the love and
support of family and friends. But unless we keep connected, we cannot offer or
receive strength and caring. In this world of too many commitments and endless
to-do lists, it is easy to lose touch. Being present, attentive, and responsive
takes energy, concentration, and the hardest task-master of all—time. Squeezing
in that not-so-short phone call to an elderly relative, spending the afternoon
at a 4-year-old’s chaotic birthday party, or answering a friend’s lengthy, question-filled
text can seem to require more hours and energy than we can manage. But can we
really afford not to?
Are we really that short of time? If I can play a game on my
phone, watch my favorite TV shows, and browse Facebook Marketplace—none of
which strengthens any relationship in my life—how can I say I am too busy to
run an errand, attend a celebration, share a meal, or simply sit and sip tea
with a friend or family member?
Today, let’s take the time. Connection moments are priceless
and fleeting. And the rewards far outweigh solving a Sudoku, keeping up with Gibbs,
or finding the best deal on a new coffeepot.
Be encouraged!
©2019 Pamela D. Williams
Comments welcome via Facebook or email (writepam71@gmail.com).