An apple tree stood in the backyard of our last home. Its
gnarled branches yielded a few poorly developed apples every year, mostly
enjoyed by squirrels, groundhogs, and deer. The fruit was misshapen and wormy,
but, during better years, we were able to gather enough to make a batch or two
of apple dumplings.
I remember peeling and coring those apples. There were many
bad spots that needed gouged out before they could be sliced. But the sweet,
yummy dessert created from those apples was worth the effort.
As I think about preparing those bumpy, blemished apples, I
am reminded of the work God must do in me to ready me to be used by Him. I am
more imperfect than any of the apples from that tree. How does God strip off my
flawed pretenses and dig out my hidden sins?
Challenges peel back the “righteous” façade covering my
weaknesses so God can refine me for His purposes. Trials carve away the sinful
nature lurking in my soul, making me more like Jesus. Philippians 1:6 says that
God, who began the good work within us, will continue His work until it is
finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Paul tells us that trials develop godly character: "We
can rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces
perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. “(Romans 5:3-4)
What has God used to refine the core of your being? Maybe it
has been difficulties in a relationship, a tough decision that needs to be
made, problems at work, a health challenge, or a financial crisis. What frailties
or wrongdoings has God sliced away by allowing these trials? Could it be
dependence on others instead of Him, the need to be in control, or putting self-serving
desires ahead of His will?
Be encouraged!
Pam©2019 Pamela D. Williams
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