As I walked down the alley beside our church, I noticed that
all four tires on a car parked behind someone’s house had been sliced. Recently,
there have also been a rash of thefts in our little town—kids’ bikes, porch ornaments,
lawn equipment—anything outside that’s not nailed down. On a local alert page
on Facebook, I read a “heads up” about cars being broken into and stuff taken.
And, as in many other places, vandalism is keeping our police too busy.
Why does anyone think it is okay to commit mean, hurtful,
and often no-gain-to-the-perpetrators, deeds against others?
Although I am a firm believer in taking responsibility for
your actions and suffering the not-so-pleasant consequences, I think those of
us who have not lived for and spoken about God bear some of the blame.
Say, what?
It’s true! By keeping silent, so as not to offend anyone, we
have not passed on our belief in God or the truth about eternity. We have not
witnessed to the wisdom that comes with fear (all-encompassing respect and
reverence) of Him (Proverbs 1:7). If we don’t fear God or believe in eternity,
we see no long-lasting consequences for our actions and therefore, do whatever
we want, despite the harm it may cause others or even ourselves. We have left
people with the impression that this life is all there is so do whatever you
please. We have given them no hope for change or forgiveness.
Perhaps we heard the old adage too many times that says, "Never
discuss politics or religion in polite company."
That’s not what the Bible says, at least in regards to
In Luke 8:39, Jesus encouraged a man delivered from evil to,
“Tell how much God has done for you.” So, the man proclaimed all over the town
how much Jesus had done for him.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 advocates: “Never forget [God’s] commands.
Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are
away, when you are resting and when you are working.”
Jesus commissioned all believers to tell others the Good News
of salvation through Him. (Matthew 28:19) We hold the key to forgiveness and
If we want the world to change, we need to let others know that
God is active in our lives, we are accountable for what we do and say, and
Jesus offers full and free forgiveness for all sins! (Ephesians 1:7) Let’s speak
Be encouraged!
Pam©2019 Pamela D. Williams
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