“We don't yet see things clearly. We're
squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the
weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as
clearly as God sees us, knowing Him directly just as He knows us!” ~ 1 Corinthians
13:12 MSG
Fog whispers over the field beside our neighbor’s house, shrouding the
landscape in eerie tresses. Wisps of vapor drift and swirl, draping a shawl of
dampness over my shoulders as I begin walking through the neighborhood.
Everything appears softer and quieter in the fog, but a noise in the hedge up ahead signals I am not alone. Who or what is there? In the waxing and waning fog, I think I see movement . . . or do I?
I stop. Could it be a possum? A feral cat? Or, heaven forbid, a skunk? The hint of a cool breeze sends a shiver down my spine. My arms prickle
with goose bumps. If only I could see more clearly.
As I draw nearer the hedge, the sun begins to break through and the fog
thins. A rabbit sits under the hedge, calmly washing his face with his front
paws. I shake my head and chuckle.
My faint laugh in the quiet morning startles my fellow pre-dawn explorer.
With the tread of a shadow, the rabbit hops through the dew-laden grass and disappears
behind a nearby shed.
As we travel our day-to-day faith journey, the way can sometimes seem
foggy, the unknown scary. We ask God, “Where are you leading me, Lord? What is
out there? What do you want me to do?”
We catch glimpses of His direction, but often our own desires cloud the
vision. Romans 11:33-34 reiterates that our knowledge of God and His will is
foggy and limited.
However, Psalm 139 assures us that God knows us completely. He gave us
our strengths and understands our limitations and our motives. God equips us
with everything good for doing His will, and works in us what is pleasing to Him.
(Hebrews 13:20-21)
As we draw closer to God through studying His Word and prayer, we will
be able to see more clearly where He is leading. Like waiting for the sun to
burn off the morning fog, we need to wait on God to lift the haziness
surrounding His specific will and plan. In the meantime, we can trust Him to
lead us through the muddled areas.
Be encouraged!
©2019 Pamela D. Williams