Wednesday, July 31, 2019


My friend Kim recently posted pictures of a little family of groundhogs that had taken up residence in her yard. Like me, Kim simply enjoyed watching the groundhogs—their little leathery paws twirling apples, their lumbering gait as they explore the yard, and their perfect posture while standing on their hind legs to check for predators.

Despite being unpopular with farmers, ranchers, and gardeners, groundhogs do have purpose. According to, groundhogs break down hard-packed ground, allowing more air and water to get underground, forming valuable topsoil. Also, groundhogs are considered very clean animals among burrowing rodents. Within their burrows, each groundhog has their own “bathroom”. When groundhogs move to new digs, foxes and skunks take over their abandoned dens. These animals catch and eat millions of destructive small rodents and insects.

Anyone living near areas prone to flooding receives benefits from groundhogs as rainwater infiltrates their ground level holes. This helps carry the water into the soil where it can seep in and be stored instead of simply running over and off the land, often carrying vital nutrients with it.

However, some groundhogs have been captured and pressed into service as untrustworthy weather prognosticators. Punxsutawney Phil, Buckeye Chuck, Thistle the Whistlepig, and others will never enjoy the life God intended for a groundhog—running free, frolicking with other groundhogs, aerating the ground, hibernating on his/her own schedule.

Groundhogs remind me that God created us with a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Are we living the life God intended for us? Or are we allowing others to fence us in with their expectations? I count it a privilege to have been called to be the wife of a man God has so clearly called to pastoral ministry. I truly love this life. But there have been times when others have made me feel obligated to become someone or attempt something God has clearly not gifted me for. Thankfully, with God’s leading and Dick’s support, I have been able to just be who God created me to be.

None of us will ever be happy or free until we allow our Creator to work out His plan for our lives. Romans 12:2 stresses that we are not to try to mold ourselves to what this world dictates. Instead we are to let God transform us by changing the way we think. Then we will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is.

Be encouraged!

©2019 Pamela D. Williams