Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Our Unique Gift

During August, backpack giveaways, free school-supplies carnivals, and back-to-school shoes and clothing banks abound. Non-profits, local service clubs, businesses and many churches join in these efforts to lift some of the financial burden from parents who’s already stressed income just won’t stretch enough to cover those long lists of supplies they are expected to furnish in order for their child to start the new school year.

Similarly, these same organizations host clothing and food banks, serve meals, and make discretionary funds available to those in dire need all year long. All of these efforts selflessly help those in challenging circumstances with their physical needs.

However, there is something unique that Christian churches can offer which none of these other organizations can—God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ! Yet, I wonder how many of us are actually doing that? Are we actively following Jesus command to “Go and make disciples . . . “? (Matthew 28:19)

Along with shoes, food, and pencils, are we offering the start of a relationship with the God of the Universe--something no Red Cross, United Way, TCC store, Dollar Tree, fire department, or Kiwanis Club can? We hold a spiritual bookbag filled not only with eternal life in Heaven but abundant life here below. Are we sharing our spiritual riches with others—or just our material wealth?

Giving witness to God’s love and forgiveness doesn’t have to be a huge chore. A little Christ-centered take-home item can be a simple, yet effective means of encouraging others to consider a closer look at Jesus. With just a little Bible research, a printer, and a trip to a discount store, we can plant spiritual seeds in the souls of receivers.

As we reflect on the need, is there a word that captures the focus of the ministry? Shoes, clothing, learning, food? Prayerfully search for Scriptures pertaining to that focus and allow God to highlight the verses that are most appropriate.

For instance, along with other school supplies, fill a tiny zip-lock bag with pencil erasers. These can be a segue to helping others understand that Jesus died on the cross to “erase” our sins. Print that spiritual truth on a slip of paper along with Romans 3:23 and 6:23 and place it in the bag with the erasers.

When giving out monthly bags of food, include a plastic jar filled with 31 slips of paper on which are printed Scriptures. Place a sticker on the jar that reads: “‘We cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks.” (Matthew 4:4) Each day the family can pull out a slip of paper and receive their daily spiritual bread.

As we lovingly prepare to present Jesus to the ones we serve, let us pray that these simple gestures will be an instrument God uses to knock at the door of someone’s heart. It is our unique gift, unavailable anywhere else, to a hungry, needy world.

How does your church or group share the Gospel along with food, clothing, etc.?

Be encouraged!

©2019 Pamela D. Williams