St. Ignatius Loyola told Jesuits
never to omit from their day time to recall with thankfulness every good thing
that happened during the day. It is an exercise guaranteed to infuse our hearts
with joy.
As I read St. Ignatius’ words on, I felt called to make
a list of good things God has blessed me with in the last 24 hours:
My loving,
helpful, thoughtful, selfless husband
together a wholesome program called, “The Murdoch Mysteries”
A decaf
Mocha Latte from Dunkin Donuts, delivered to where I work
My job—I
LOVE my job
snuggling his warm, furry body against me and putting his paws around my neck
pink of the sky at sunrise
A sip
of hot, sweet tea
deciding what’s supper—and making it
friendly smile and a bit of conversation with clients at work
strength I heard in my mom’s voice yesterday after a bad fall this past weekend
The love
of my sisters for me and our mutual love and caring for our mom
A “just
because” phone call from our son
of our daughter’s wisdom in a tempting situation
pieces in a challenging jigsaw puzzle
warm blankets
My list could go on and on and
on. During this month when we celebrate Thanksgiving, may we follow the advice
of St. Ignatius and carve out that essential time to recall God’s gifts to us
each day. Anne Voskamp, in her book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live
Fully Right Where You Are, says, “A life contemplating the blessings of
Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.”
Be encouraged!
©2019 Pamela D. Williams