Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Who Is My Master?

Remember the old TV show, “I Dream of Jeannie”? I recently came across this excerpt from one of the episodes:

Major Nelson: Jeannie's turned against me.

Major Healey: She can't turn against you. You’re her master. She has to obey you.

Major Nelson: Yeah, who says so?

Major Healey: I don't know, maybe it's in the genie manual.

Major Nelson: Then how come she's deliberately disobeyed me?

Major Healey: Maybe she wasn't issued a genie manual.

As only our Heavenly Father can do, God used this little clip to speak to my heart, asking me to consider who or what is my master? 1 Peter 2:16 tells us we are to live as God’s slaves. And, Romans 6:16 admonishes us that if we offer to be someone’s slave, we must obey that master.
Who or what occupies my time, thoughts, attention, and energy? Who or what requires my obedience?

While I really wish I could honestly answer, “It is You, Father God!”, often times it is something far less deserving—my phone, computer, vacuum cleaner, laundry basket, wardrobe, wallet, mirror, appetite, my peeps (as great as they are, they cannot hold the place reserved for God)—the list is endless and personal for each one of us.

A little introspection can show us who or what is our real master. Taking a few moments at the end of the day to review how we spent our time, our money, our attention over the last 24 hours can help reveal our master to us.

And, unlike Jeannie, who lacked an instruction manual on how to treat her master, we have God’s own Word that shares all we need to know about serving our ultimate Master. Joshua 24:14 challenges us to “Choose this day whom you will serve!”

Be encouraged!

©2019 Pamela D. Williams