Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Offering Faith

“What’s moving out there under the neighbor’s hedge?” I asked my husband Dick.

He walked to the window. “It looks like . . .Why, it’s a mother cat and a kitten!”

We headed outside. Before we left our porch, the feral momma cat scurried into the bushes. The kitten, however, stood her ground.

Dick tried to pet her, but she arched her back, fluffed up her fur, and hissed profusely before darting into the brush. I sighed with disappointment.

Oddly, that kitten reminded me of my dad. Whenever I tried to talk with him about faith in Jesus as his Savior, he invariably got defensive, no matter how loving or subtle my tactic. Bristling, he remarked, “I’m not so bad. I never killed anybody. I never cheated on your mother!”

I tried to explain that everyone sins on some level, but he would hurry away, just like the feral kitten that bristled and ran from us. Thankfully, near the end of Daddy’s life, he stopped running and placed his trust in Jesus’ death on the cross for forgiveness from his sins.

When we try to share God’s gift of salvation, we won’t always receive a warm welcome. In fact, sometimes, like the kitten, the person may literally run away! We can’t force faith on our loved ones or friends. But we can reach out—and let God capture their hearts.

The Apostle Paul shared this same experience. Wisely, he wrote, “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6)

Paul realized that, although we may not witness the person put their trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, we are to continue to reach out. We can then let go, knowing that God will send others to nurture and encourage the person—and all the while God is making their faith grow.

Never stop sharing. Never stop hoping. Never give up. Never surrender. Simply share small acts of faith, and trust in God’s great love to reach those who don’t yet know Him.

Be encouraged!

©2022 Pamela D. Williams