When someone says the word “fellowship”, what comes to your mind? Our church is encouraging fellowship over the next two months by organizing small groups to meet in homes. The members of each group differ week to week to maximize the number of people each person interacts with. It will be wonderful to get to know one another better.
God mentions fellowship in His Word numerous times. He realizes that we need all the help we can get to live a Christian life. He knows getting together with other Christians will strengthen us and help us to follow Him despite living in a world full of temptations.
Fellowship with other believers reaps many benefits. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us that we can spur one another on to love and good deeds when we get together.
Proverbs 27:17 says people naturally learn from one another. We rub off on one another and help each other hone our spiritual skills. In fellowship, we share how God has helped us, which in turn, helps others as they face the same types of trials. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
James 5:19-20 points out that fellowship can help keep us from falling away from God. If we have no Christian fellowship there will be no one to correct us when we wander off into sin. But if we have close relationships with other Christians they can point us in the right direction when we do wrong. Likewise, we exercise true love for others by kindly and gently correcting them. (2 Timothy 2:25)
And isn’t it wonderful to have a shoulder to cry on or someone’s hands to grasp in a happy dance. Romans 12:15 says “Rejoice with those who rejoice. Mourn with those who mourn.” Intentionally getting together with other Christians and honestly sharing our hearts meets that need!
Where do we find Christian fellowship? It can happen within any Christian group—quilters, choir, grief share, book club, writers, etc. Fellowship, one of the necessary components for growing as a Christian, is not only functional, and fundamental, it’s fun! Where do you find it?
Be encouraged!
©2022 Pamela D. Williams