We had our first snow of the year! It is gorgeous—so pure
and glistening! It coated the barren tree branches with a garland of white and covered
up the bleak landscape with a snowy blanket—a welcome relief from the leafless,
brown terrain behind our house.
At one time or another, we all face desolate days brought on, not by the changing of the seasons, but by our own selfish choices and unwise actions. We fail God and our fellow sojourners on this earth. We make excuses for our bad behavior and try to blame someone else for wrongs and failures that are no one’s fault but our own. The Bible calls it sin, and it runs rampant through humanity. (Romans 3:23) Though we try to hide our sin from God and others, it always comes to light—making us look worse than if we had just acknowledged and confessed it.
However, like the amazing change that a dismal landscape undergoes when it snows, we can be transformed! Out of His deep, deep love for us, Jesus willingly died on the cross for those sins of ours. When we ask Him to forgive us, He gives us a brand-new life—a life that is as untainted as new-fallen snow! The sacrifice Jesus made purifies a believer’s sin-stained soul. God no longer sees our failures and flaws. Instead He sees a person forgiven, cleansed and ready to serve.
Have you experienced God’s forgiveness? Are you longing for a re-do that’s as transforming as the first snowfall of winter? A slate as clean as a field of newly fallen snow? Jesus offers that chance to everyone! All He asks for is enough humility to admit you need Him.
Be encouraged!
©2022 Pamela D. Williams.