Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Finding Joy

Do you find pets inspiring? As I reminisce about the sage felines my husband and I have been privileged to share our home with, I realize that over the years they have taught us valuable life lessons about joy.

Our huge, black Maine Coon, Baxter, thought he was a dog. He played fetch, ran eagerly to the door when the bell rang, and loved company, kids, and dogs. Bold to the point of brash, Baxter found great pleasure in the simplest things—scooting the plastic ring from the milk jug around the kitchen, galloping through the house with the drawstring from my pajamas in his mouth, and lapping up a dropped dollop of whipped cream. Baxter’s philosophy, “Find joy in the little things,” means that we can experience great pleasure and happiness in being grateful for ALL of God's blessings, large or small.

When we visited the SPCA, Isabelle pranced her feathered feet and puffy tail right over and adopted us! We had no choice but to bring her home! Isabelle courageously lived each day to the fullest. As though she understood Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it,” Isabelle found joy in each new day. She played intensely, loved unashamedly, and faced the unknown fearlessly. Tragically taken by feline leukemia before she turned two, Isabelle taught me to find joy in each day God gives.

Although I have loved all our cats, the one who has brought me the most joy is Watson. He is in a class by himself. Watson is the quintessential companion animal. He is contentedly happy just in being with us—no matter what we are doing—working a puzzle, searching on our computers, napping on the couch, taking a walk. Watson shows me daily that we can find joy in just spending time with the friends, family members, and neighbors God gives us.

How about your precious pet? What intrinsic truth or bit of wisdom is your furry mentor trying to impart?

Be encouraged!

©2023 Pamela D. Williams.
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