Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Unlit Candle

The seven-year-old acolyte struggled to light one of the candles on the church candelabra. Even when he finally got the wick to catch fire, it wouldn’t stay lit. He looked over at the pastor sitting in the front pew, who signaled that the young man should just move on to the next one. All through the service that one candle remained dark.

That incident reminded me or something Jesus said of Himself and of us. “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” (John 9:5) Then in Matthew 5:14, Jesus calls US the Light of the world. Once He was taken back up to Heaven, we became the carriers of the Light. Jesus instructed us to let our Light shine before others, that they may see what we do and give glorify to God, our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

However, shining the Light of Jesus in this world can be a challenge. People don’t want to be “preached” to. Upholding Christian values is considered outdated or bigoted. The media touts every unfaithful, devious, fallen Christian as though they are the norm.

And, sometimes, the fault lies with me, and I feel like that one candle the little acolyte couldn’t get to stay lit. My neglect of time with God, my unhealthy desire to be accepted by others, my fear of being ostracized—all and any of these can hinder my ability to shine for Jesus.

How are we to obey Proverbs 13:9 and be “a light shining brightly” rather than “a lamp flickering out”?

We can start by trimming our wicks—recognizing and confessing to God the sins and shortcomings in our own lives. We can take steps to refuel the flame—read our Bibles, pray, spend time with other Christians. That takes care of preparing ourselves to shine Jesus’ Light.

But how do we get the light out there? Jesus explained that we are not to hide the Light, but, instead, to let it shine! What are some practical ways we to be Light for the world?

First, while people don’t want to be preached to, they are often more willing to hear us out when we share OUR OWN experiences with Jesus. Speak up about what Jesus has and is doing in your life.

Second, Jesus describes us as the light of the world, not the light of the church. That means we must get beyond the church walls and take the light out to where it is dark—at work, at school, in our neighborhood, in our families.

Third, remember it only takes a tiny bit of light to dispel darkness. The smallest act of kindness, coupled with a few words giving God the credit, can shine Jesus’ Light in our little part of the world.

Be encouraged!


©2023 Pamela D. Williams.

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