Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Fully Human

“When Jesus suffered for our sakes, He wasn't play-acting. He wasn't some remote God pretending to be human, but untouched by human feelings and pain. No, He was and is fully human.” Dr. Kari Vo

Sometimes, I lose sight of the fact that Jesus was truly human in every way. I think that, because He is also God, He wasn’t affected by things the way we are. But Scripture says He was!

Matthew 4:2 “Jesus was hungry.”

Matthew 21:12-13 “Jesus overturned the tables . . .” Jesus felt indignant!

Matthew 26:39 “My Father, if possible, take this cup of suffering from me!” Jesus felt desperation and dread!

Matthew 26:60 “Many people came forward and told lies about [Jesus].” Jesus was falsely accused!

Mark 7:18 “Don't you know what I am talking about by now?” Jesus felt frustration!

John 13:7 “You don’t understand what I am doing . . .” Jesus felt misunderstood!

Luke 10:21 “At that time Jesus was filled with joy . . .” Jesus felt happy!

John 11:5 “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” Jesus felt love!

John 11:35 “Jesus wept.” Jesus felt sad!

John 15:15 “I call you friends.” Jesus felt friendship!

John 19:28 “I am thirsty.”

The list could go on and on of instances where Jesus experienced very real human emotions, conflicts, and interpersonal relationships. Jesus isn’t a faraway being, detached and uncaring, ruling without compassion or understanding. He has “been there, done that!” Jesus can truly relate to us!

We can take comfort and strength from knowing Jesus DOES know what it’s like! We can also be encouraged by realizing, as Jesus did, that this earthly life is not the end. There is LIFE beyond the days we are given here—a joyous, loving, sin-free life with Jesus, if we believe and trust in Him.

Be encouraged!

©2024 Pamela D. Williams.

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