“They do not belong to this
world.” In John 17 Jesus says this twice about His followers. He asks the
Father to keep them safe and united to Him.
Jesus knows it’s not easy living in this world as Christ-followers. He realizes the world doesn’t want to hear the message He has told us to share. He is very much aware of the backlash, the resistance, and even persecution that will befall us because we share the message and try to live as He would want us to live. That’s why Jesus prays for us.
How faithful are we in resisting the pull of the world? Do we truly act as though we don’t belong to the world? Or do we find ourselves giving in to the ways of the world, failing to share the message because it isn’t a popular stance today, compromising our stand on issues that are clear in the Bible because we don’t want anyone to think we are mean and unloving?
Jesus said the world doesn’t know Him, but we do. How will the world hear of Him and His great love if we keep quiet when we should speak? How will anyone receive forgiveness if we let them believe that they are doing no wrong? How will they know the truth if we don’t share God’s Word? (Romans 10:14-15)
The world does not know God, but we do! We have a message that will give eternal life to anyone who believes it. “And eternal life means to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:5)
Jesus has made Himself known to us, and will continue to do so, in order that the love He has for everyone may be in us. (John 17:26) And so that we can make Him known to the world.
Jesus asks the Father to dedicate us to Him by means of the truth—and the truth is God’s Word. Let’s not hide the truth or cloud it’s clarity by allowing the world to stifle us into silence or pressure us into compromising.
Be encouraged!