Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Real Weatherman


The scorched grass crunched beneath my feet as I walked around the yard watering my plants and flowers. The weather had been hot, hot, hot, with only an occasional spit of rain. I overheard lots of worried conversations about the weather, with especial concern for farmers. Friends posted on Facebook asking people to pray for rain.

Then a storm blew in and immediately the grass began to recover! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Thank You, God!

Humans have conquered many things with great discoveries in medicine, science, agriculture, etc. However, the weather isn’t one of them. We are all still just observers when it comes to the elements, whether it be bright, sunshine, gentle breezes, soaking rains, and picturesque snow flurries or hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and blizzards.

God’s Word is full of examples of His power to control the weather. Genesis 7 shares the account of the great flood. In Genesis 9 we read about the plague of hail that fell on Egypt. 1 Kings 18 talks about the “little cloud no bigger than a man’s hand” that ended a three-year drought. Mark 4 tells us about Jesus calming the winds and waves that had been terrorizing the disciples clinging to their boar for dear life.

Each of these examples have two things in common—1) God’s exclusive power to control the weather and 2) the power of prayer. Noah prayed, Moses prayed, Elijah prayed, and Jesus prayed.

Although we can find ourselves in situations where WE have no control, there is NO situation that is out of God’s control. He is aware. He is at work. He will see us through.

When we feel helpless, beaten about by the winds and waves of life’s tempests, let us call out as the disciples did that stormy night, “Lord, save us!” Only God has the love and power to do so.

Be encouraged!

©2024 Pamela D. Williams.

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