Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Where God Dwells

God dwells among us. At this time of year, it is easy to see His handiwork in nature. Everywhere that Dick and I have hiked and walked has shouted “God is here!” The flowers at various public and private gardens, the plethora of birds—each with their individual songs, the grandeur of the mountains that surround us here in Pennsylvania, and the powerful waves we watched in Hawaii that endlessly pound the shores.

Promises that God is present with us are woven throughout the Bible. The Open Bible lists 70 Bible verses about God being with us. From Genesis 21:22, where even foreigners recognize that God is with the Israelites, to Revelation 3:20 where Jesus stands at our door and knocks, God assures us He is here with us—a truth He felt was worth repeating at least 70 times!

God is also present within us. God’s Word also tells us that we are temples for His Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 3:16) Of course, the greatest human vessel for God was Jesus, but we can see God at work through the hands, feet, words, and support of other Christians—if we look for it. Have I recognized God’s presence in those I encounter? Am I keeping my eyes open for the ways God may be trying to reach me through my fellow human beings?

God’s presence in His people fills me with wonder and thankfulness. It also places a great obligation on me and all others who call themselves Christians. Since God’s Spirit dwells within me, it is my responsibility to let Him live through me, to let His light shine on everyone I meet. Remember the children’s Sunday School song, “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to shine for Him each day. In every way try to please Him, at home, at work, at play.”

How has God called you to show His presence to others? How has He revealed Himself to you through a fellow human being?

Be encouraged!

©2024 Pamela D. Williams.
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