Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Upgrading My Connection

I recently posted about the importance of daily devotions. Since January I have been trying to “upgrade” my quiet time—making those moments with Jesus more meaningful, relevant, and beneficial. We all encounter times when it feels like we are on autopilot during our devotions. We aren’t really in tune with Jesus. Our minds are jumping in and out of prayer. The words we read in the Bible skim across the surface but don’t penetrate our hearts. We wish we had a better connection with Him.

One of the most helpful things I have found that I can do is start my quiet time by listening to (and singing along with) a praise song—one that focuses on God and truly expresses worship and praise to Him. Everyone has their own taste in music, so what helps me connect with God may differ from what draws you close to Him. One of my favorites is Chris Tomlin’s “Holy Forever”. It brings me literally sobbing into the holy presence of Jesus.

I also find it helpful to use prayer prompts. These short suggestions offer a topic for conversation with Jesus that is outside my usual family-oriented pleas for blessings. I can get wrapped up in praying for my own little world and fail to bring to God the wider needs of others. For instance, today’s prompt was for “struggling students to be able to receive the extra help they need.” Being an empty nester, struggling students is not something that I think about very often. It was good to be reminded.

As one who loves to write, journaling also helps keep me out of the ruts that I can so easily fall into with my quiet time. Again, I use prompts to widen my spiritual focus. I find it helpful to congeal the insights God gives me during my devotions into a few sentences.

I would love to hear how you“upgraded” your connection to Jesus during your devotional time. We can all learn from one another.

Be encouraged!

©2025 Pamela D. Williams.

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