Wednesday, April 13, 2022

He Carries Us

Our young son didn’t want to leave his toys. “But we are going to Grammy’s house! She has toys there—toys you haven’t played with for a long time. Won’t that be fun?” I urged him.

He couldn’t fathom anything better than staying right where he was and playing with the toys right in front of him. When I picked him up and headed for the car, he threw a royal fit—kicking, crying, and begging not to go.

Yet, half an hour later he was as happy as could be, playing at Grammy’s house. I leaned over and whispered to him, “See! I told you so!”

During times of change, I can react a lot like my son. Not knowing what may lie ahead, I argue, and grumble, and fight against it. I like things the way they are—familiar and comfortable and safe.

Change often seems foreign, is always disconcerting, and at times even feels downright frightening. (Being honest, that has described retirement for me.) Isaiah 43:19 says our God is always doing “a new thing”. And that includes His work in our lives. Scary, right?

However, there are several truths we can keep in mind during times of change:

Jesus is always with us. (Matthew 28:20)

He promised He will never leave or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

He carries us—sometimes kicking and screaming—throughout our lifetime, always caring, always supporting us. (Isaiah 46:3-5)

I long to hear Him whisper, “See, Pam! I told you so!”

Are you facing change in your life? How are you handling it? Are you able to grasp the peace that passes understanding that God promises us? (Philippians 4:7)

Be encouraged!

©2022 Pamela D. Williams